A high level delegation from Indonesia visited China Kingho Xinjiang Group

来源: Xinjiang Kingho Group
编辑: Li Wanli
发布时间: 2012-08-15
访问量: 31

China Kingho Xinjiang Group news (correspondent Mao Keqiang) On August 7th, at the invitation of chairman of China Kingho Xinjiang Group, Central Kalimantan, the provincial governor of Agustin Teras Narang province Indonesia lead a delegation to visit China Kingho Xinjiang Group. Xu Zhong, general manager of Xinjiang Group, accompanied for the whole course.

Accompanied by general manager Xu, the delegation visited the coal gas project of China Kingho Xinjiang Group, and listened to the introduction of the project by general manager Xu, and Agustin Teras Narang, the provincial governor, gave high marks on construction of the project. He expressed that China and Indonesia have always kept good relationship, with positive and practicable cooperation attitude. As the third largest province of Indonesia, the resources of coal, iron ore, gold, palm oil and banana in Central Kalimantan province are all very rich, and the people of Central Kalimantan province welcome the investment of 博鱼体育是不是黑平台, as well as the cooperation on infrastructure construction and mineral resources exploiting.

According to General Manager Xu, as a large resource exploitation enterprise, 博鱼体育是不是黑平台 pays great attention to the cooperation with Central Kalimantan province in Indonesia, and China Kingho Xinjiang Group will strengthen the mutual understanding and mutual beneficial cooperation with Central Kalimantan province in the future.

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